Tuesday, October 17, 2017


(Research Paper)


No word is appropriate to describe our heartfelt gratitude to all those helping hands who is one way or another, contributed to the success in making of this study. Our sincere thanks to the following;

            To (your instructor), our beloved instructor in ENGL 2 Writing Across Discipline, for guiding us in every step of our study, for encouraging us to improve and make a good research paper.
To the authors, editors and researchers where we get important information on this paper.
To our loving parents, thank you for your encouragement and for giving us financial aid, for without your help we will not be able to accomplish this research.
Most of all, the researcher expresses their greatest expression of love and servitude to the almighty God for all the blessings, guidance and gift of love he has bestowed.

                                                                                                      THE RESEARCHERS


      This study aims to:
       To determine how Education is important in our society nowadays.
       To know the role of education in every life.
       To know what is the reasons why people needs to go to school.
       To determine what are the factors why education is really important.


Education is essential for everyone. It is the level of education that helps people earn respect and recognition. In my opinion, it is indispensable part of life both personally and socially. However, the unequal standard of education is still a major problem that needs to be solved.
The importance of education is undeniable for every single person. It goes without saying that education has a positive effect on human life. All people need to study. Only with the advent of education can people gain knowledge and enlarge their view over the world. For example, learning by watching TV or reading books gives people a huge amount of information about anything they are interested in such as mathematics, current news, exchange rates, other countries' cultures and so on. Apparently, people may become more useful and civilized if better educated. In areas where residents are not able to receive an appropriate education, life cannot be as thriving and prosperous as locations where there is a high standard for education.
Secondly, education plays such a rudimentary role on our society that we cannot even imagine a life without it. It is a determined element for the civilization of human society. Not only does It helps us develop healthy surroundings but it also generates an advance community. As a matter of fact, everything we create today is based on the knowledge that we obtain throughout our life by way of education. This assists scientists in inventing equipment and devices, resulting in a high technology nowadays. The more developed life becomes, the more necessary education is for everyone.
Although education has a significant influence on life, the average education is not the same in different areas. As a result, strategies are being made to resolve the problems. Without education, life would be disastrous and detrimental. Consequently, to this day, we are trying or best to make education global and accessible for everyone particularly the poor and the disabled. There are still some places where the inhabitants are almost completely uneducated, causing a serious lack of knowledge. Additionally, every child should be given equal opportunities to learn and study. Because the development of a country depends vastly on the standard of education, it must do everything in its power to improve it. Although the educational systems of different countries are not similar but they have to share a common goal which is to provide its citizens a suitable and proper learning.


3.1. Research Design

This course of study uses a descriptive research methodology. There are many kinds of descriptive research, but we have chosen to use the Descriptive Survey Research Design, which uses questionnaire (survey questionnaire) to gather data. We believe this design is appropriate for this topic, as data gathering is much easier than many respondents.

3.2. Research Respondents
            The respondents in this study are the people who is our acquaintances. We choose the respondents because they were the easiest person to approach and they were the most effective source of information.

3.3. Research Instruments
            This study was conducted through Descriptive Survey Research Design, which uses a survey questionnaire to gather data to find out the opinions of respondents. We also get information on newspaper articles and the internet.


Graph 1: It is shown in the graph that 100% said that education is important in our society.

In our culture today, there is a huge emphasis on education, especially higher education. Society basically says the more educated you are, the better off you are. That is pretty much true if you live by the means of society. The basic idea that education, especially a college education, is something that people should pursue even into their adult years is not by any means a new idea. Every society has specialized individuals who fulfill certain positions that require extended education. In some cases, these people are known as shamans, priests, or professors, or they may be doctors, mechanics, blacksmiths, or artists. In all these professions, some form of higher education is necessary. It could come from an apprentice or rigorous private study, or it could take the form of a formal higher education. Whatever the form, the meaning is the same, gain knowledge and use it.


Graph 2: The graph shown that 100% agreed that education is important.

Education plays a vital role in shaping tomorrow's’ leaders. Not only can we become a better nation by acquiring the skills necessary to be productive members of a civilized society. Increase knowledge to actively achieve and meet challenges that can produce changes in which are productive for attaining business innovations, political and economic objectives.


Graph 3: The graph shows that more persons says that education is extremely important because education turns their dream into reality.

It is shown in the graph that education is important because this turns your dream into reality like the respondents said one of the most important benefits of education is that it helps to meet the objectives of life. For instance, some people want to become rich while others aspire to become popular. Right education with dedication can help to accomplish the task. Getting professional degree is the only way to excel in different business domains such as engineering, medicine, and accounting. By enrolling in the course of your choice, it is not only possible to enhance the skill level but also the professional expertise.
As shown in the graph 12.1% of our respondents says that education is important for happy and stable life as they said people who are educated can access lots of opportunities in lives. They get good jobs and achieve materialistic objectives. Fat paychecks guarantee luxury living and go a long way in providing happiness. In addition with the help of education, you may have a stable as well as secured life for the future. People with higher intellectual wealth also enjoy good social status is society. If you want to lead a happy life and enjoy the good things the world has to offer, you certainly need to get educated. A great job, a good social reputation are few of the many benefits of being an educated person. Education is a must for a promising and secure future and a stable life.
The other reason is that is 12.1% is it makes their self-dependent. Education is very important if you want to be a self-dependent person. It helps you become financially independent but that is not all.  Education also makes you wiser so that you can make your own decisions.
Makes you confident is also 12.1%. Light of knowledge automatically boosts the self-confidence of the person. A learned person is not only respected in the society but he or she is often consulted for pieces of advice by others. An uneducated man might have lots of experience but may not be taken seriously when suggestions are being sought.
As shown in the graph 11.2% of our respondents says that education makes them an effective leader.
Saves you from being fooled/cheated is 9.5% of the respondents says education saves you from being exploited and fooled. We live in a country where we enjoy a number of rights and freedom.  It is easier to take advantage of innocent and illiterate people. They may be trapped into signing false documents or be deprived of some right which they have because unlike an educated person they are not well aware of their rights and freedoms.
Money is also 9.5% of the respondents voted. Educated person has more chances of landing up a good high paying job. Everybody wants a good life but the good life!. It may be called as the “root of all evil” but most people will agree that money is important for survival in today’s world. The more educated you are, the better career options you have!
For economic growth of the nation is 8.6%. Countries around the world have relied on scientific education to ensure the development of their economy. Citizens of western countries are rich and prosperous as they work in various business fields of the industry. It was only achieved with a continuous focus on developing highly skilled professionals.
6.0% of our respondents say that education is important for equality. If we want to see the world as a just and fair place where everyone is given equal opportunities, education is what we require. Education is a must if we want to do away with the existing differences between different social classes and genders.  It opens a whole world of opportunities for the poor so that they may have an equal shot at well-paying jobs. Education also plays a major role in women empowerment.
            6.0% also says that education is important to make the world a safer and more peaceful place. Education majorly affects our understanding of the difference between right and wrong. An educated person is well aware of the consequences of wrong/illegal actions and he is less likely to get influenced and do something which is not legally/morally right. Also, a  number of uneducated people who live a poverty stricken life owing to lack of opportunities often turn to illegal ways such as theft and robbery to solve their problems. If you are educated, you are well aware of your rights, the law and your responsibilities towards the society. Hence, education is an important factor which contributes in social harmony and peace.

V. Conclusion

With all the benefits being accrued, education is the best way to move forward not only for an individual but also for a country. It is the only tool that can help to remove millions of people from the jaws of poverty. If people are empowered with knowledge, they cannot be exploited by others. Modern ideas of liberation and freedom have emanated from education. Reformists around the world have honed their skills in the top universities and played an important role in removing the evil customs from society.


A.    Online

B. Dictionary
Merriam Webster Dictionary
Oxford Dictionary

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